This page contains a series of links to information and exercises:
Details for academic year 2020/21
Advice for offer-holders (summary)
A summary of the main things to read up before you arrive in Cambridge.
Preparatory problems website
Your College will contact you with instructions for completing these problems, with the required log-in information.
Industrial experience requirements
Summary of the requirements for industrial experience before completing the second and third years of the course.
Information on industrial experience and sponsorship opportunities
Supporting website on industrial experience and sponsorship, produced by the Industrial Placements Coordinator
Recommended reading
General interest engineering books to dip into before you come to Cambridge.
Other useful information (on the Engineering admissions website)
Further information on gap years, extra-curricular Engineering societies etc.
Undergraduate teaching webpage for Part IA (first year) Engineering
The complete listing of documentation, timetables etc for Part IA.
Scholarship information for offer-holders
Information on any possible scholarships available to offer-holders.
Student-led societies
Links to the student-led societies, teams, groups and clubs which the Department hosts or is associated with.
Details of the main departmental facilities, including the Language Unit and the Dyson Creativity Centre.
Last updated on 27/07/2020 15:11