Please remember that ALL your Part IIB module coursework has to be available for inspection by the external examiners. You must therefore ensure that you:
- collect all your work from wherever you handed it in to (for any paper submission);
- excluding documents submitted on Moodle, hand in all your coursework and feedback forms to the relevant Group Centre by Friday of week 7 at the very latest. All paperwork submissions need to be accompanied by a IIB submission form.
If you have a query regarding this please contact the Teaching Office to discuss.
Please note that you do not need to submit a IIB submission form if all your coursework has been submitted on Moodle.
The Chairman of IIB Examiners will be advised of any student whose coursework is not received.
Note: Make sure you keep a copy of your module or project work before submitting it for inspection as no work will be returned to students.
Last updated on 13/06/2022 09:51